Game of Thrones Banners: A Guide to the Sigils and Symbols of Westeros - Abby Meekin

Game of Thrones Banners: A Guide to the Sigils and Symbols of Westeros

House Banners and Sigils: Game Of Thrones Banners

Game of thrones banners

Game of thrones banners – The banners and sigils of the great houses of Westeros are iconic symbols that represent their power, history, and values. Each house has its own unique design, which is often displayed on their banners, shields, and other items of regalia.

The symbolism behind these designs is often complex and varied. Some houses choose to display their ancestral animals, while others use colors or patterns that represent their geographical location or their family’s history. Whatever their meaning, these banners and sigils are a vital part of the Game of Thrones universe, and they help to create a rich and immersive world for fans of the books and the TV show.

Major House Banners and Sigils

House Name Banner Description Sigil Description House Motto
Stark A white direwolf on a grey background A grey direwolf Winter is Coming
Lannister A golden lion on a crimson background A golden lion Hear Me Roar
Baratheon A black stag on a yellow background A black stag Ours is the Fury
Targaryen A three-headed red dragon on a black background A three-headed red dragon Fire and Blood
Greyjoy A black kraken on a grey background A black kraken We Do Not Sow
Tyrell A golden rose on a green background A golden rose Growing Strong
Martell A red sun on an orange background A red sun Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Tully A blue trout on a silver background A blue trout Family, Duty, Honor
Arryn A white falcon on a blue background A white falcon As High as Honor
Frey A red and blue bridge on a white background A red and blue bridge We Stand Together

The Significance of Banners in Warfare

Game of thrones banners

Banners were indispensable tools in medieval warfare, serving both strategic and symbolic purposes. They played a crucial role in identifying armies, rallying troops, and intimidating opponents.


Banners were used to distinguish different armies on the battlefield. Each army had its unique banner, often bearing the sigil or coat of arms of its lord. This allowed soldiers to quickly identify their comrades and stay organized in the chaos of battle.


Banners served as rallying points for troops. When the battle raged and soldiers were scattered, the sight of their banner could provide a sense of unity and purpose. It reminded them of their allegiance and inspired them to fight bravely.


The size and grandeur of a banner could also be used to intimidate opponents. A large, imposing banner could strike fear into the hearts of enemy soldiers, making them less likely to engage in combat.

Examples from Game of Thrones

In Game of Thrones, banners played a significant role in several battles:

– At the Battle of the Green Fork, the sight of the Stark banner rallied the Northern forces and inspired them to victory.
– At the Battle of Blackwater Bay, the Tyrell banner appeared at a crucial moment, turning the tide of the battle in favor of the Lannisters.
– At the Battle of the Bastards, the Bolton banner was used to deceive and demoralize the Stark forces.

Banner Designs and Customization

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The banners of Game of Thrones are more than just symbols of power and allegiance; they are works of art that reflect the unique identities of the houses they represent. The process of designing and customizing a banner is a complex one, involving a variety of materials, colors, and symbols.

The first step in designing a banner is to choose the right materials. The most common materials used for banners in Game of Thrones are silk, velvet, and linen. Silk is a luxurious and lightweight fabric that is often used for the banners of noble houses. Velvet is a thicker and more durable fabric that is often used for the banners of military units. Linen is a strong and versatile fabric that is often used for the banners of commoners.

Once the material has been chosen, the next step is to select the colors. The colors of a banner are often chosen to reflect the colors of the house’s sigil. For example, the banner of House Stark is green and white, the colors of the Stark sigil. The banner of House Lannister is red and gold, the colors of the Lannister sigil.

The final step in designing a banner is to add the symbols. The symbols on a banner are often taken from the house’s sigil. For example, the banner of House Stark features a direwolf, the sigil of the Stark family. The banner of House Lannister features a lion, the sigil of the Lannister family.

In addition to the materials, colors, and symbols, the design of a banner can also be customized to reflect the unique personality of the house that it represents. For example, the banner of House Baratheon features a stag, the sigil of the Baratheon family. However, the banner of Robert Baratheon, the first Baratheon king, features a crowned stag, reflecting his status as king.

The banners of Game of Thrones are more than just symbols of power and allegiance; they are works of art that reflect the unique identities of the houses they represent. The process of designing and customizing a banner is a complex one, involving a variety of materials, colors, and symbols.

Materials Used in Banner Creation, Game of thrones banners

The most common materials used for banners in Game of Thrones are:

  • Silk: A luxurious and lightweight fabric that is often used for the banners of noble houses.
  • Velvet: A thicker and more durable fabric that is often used for the banners of military units.
  • Linen: A strong and versatile fabric that is often used for the banners of commoners.

Colors Used in Banner Creation

The colors of a banner are often chosen to reflect the colors of the house’s sigil. For example:

  • House Stark: Green and white
  • House Lannister: Red and gold
  • House Baratheon: Black and gold
  • House Targaryen: Black and red

Symbols Used in Banner Creation

The symbols on a banner are often taken from the house’s sigil. For example:

  • House Stark: Direwolf
  • House Lannister: Lion
  • House Baratheon: Stag
  • House Targaryen: Three-headed dragon

Customization of Banners

In addition to the materials, colors, and symbols, the design of a banner can also be customized to reflect the unique personality of the house that it represents. For example:

  • The banner of House Baratheon features a crowned stag, reflecting the status of Robert Baratheon as king.
  • The banner of House Tyrell features a rose, the sigil of the Tyrell family. However, the banner of Margaery Tyrell, the Queen of Thorns, features a white rose, reflecting her status as a member of the Faith of the Seven.

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